Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hellions of Troy take on the Vermonster!!

The plan all along was to hit up Ben & Jerry's as part of our road trip to Vermont.  And what a better way to end our antic-filled road trip?

Photo by Knockout Kid.

Sunday (February 20) late morning a bunch of us met up at Ben & Jerry's on Church St. in Burlingtown to take on the Vermonster.
Wow.  There's a lot going on in there.
Eloda presents the Vermonster.
Although this is the before picture, I believe more or less of these people ultimately partook in the epic undertaking.  I, for one, was wrapping up hanging out with my family that morning, so I was part of the clean up crew.

Back Row: Miranda Wrights, Captain Slow, Skittles, Ivanna, Beefcake, Miss Ida
Front Row: Baby Nuclear, Knockout Kid, Spam, Deadlie Mercury, Eloda Saracasm, Luci D. Dream 

Making some progress.
Can almost see the bottom...
Like I said, I wasn't able to get to Ben & Jerry's until near the end of the bucket, as it were. By then the ice cream was pretty melted... just the way I like it.
Clean up crew.
Not sure how long this whole crazy situation took. About 45 minutes?
Annnddd the after shot:

It looks like everyone had mixed emotions about the experience. Great job, Hellions.

Side note: Alloveralbany.com wrote about taking on the Vermonster just recently as well! Check out their post, which includes a video about how the Vermonster is made.

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